Welcome To The Trading Post Gallery by Dr. Collectors

Trading Post Gallery is a clothing and lifestyle store based out of Hollywood, California. We opened the Trading Post Gallery in 2014 to give our brand, Dr. Collectors, a permanent home to live and to introduce California to our vision and lifestyle that is deeply rooted in our former home, France. Under the direction of our Son, Teddy Grasset, we began selling a wide assortment of curated products ranging from clothing, vintage goods, housewares, and apothecary. We stand behind every product we carry stocking up-and-coming designers as well as the veterans from both eastern and western cultures.

We always aim to create a unique retail experience and provide our customers access to products that are designed and produced with a sincere attention to detail and a focus on lasting construction with subtle marks of craftsmanship.

126 South La Brea Ave. California 90036
P: 323.424.4849
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday 11am -6pm
Sunday 12p-6p